Who Is Sal Governale (Sal The Stockbroker), Wife, Divorce, Salary

Sal Governale's Net Worth as of March 2025 is $400 Thousand

Quick Facts of Sal Governale

Net Worth$400 Thousand
Salary$80 Thousand per year
Height5 ft 8 in
Date of Birth24 October, 1968
ProfessionMedia Personalities

Sal Governale or Sal The Stockbroker as we have all come to address him is one person many lookouts for on the  Show. Sal was originally a frequent caller on the show who took pleasure in mocking the then executive producer of the show, Gary Dell’Abate, Stern took note of him and when the show’s mainstay Stuttering John left, he (Stern) held an on-air contest called “Win John’s Job”, and Sal Governale was one of the contestants.

Although he eventually lost the first position to Richard Christy, Sal’s second position did get him a spot as the show’s prank caller/writer, a position he held until he was promoted to the post of a producer.

Does Sal still work for Howard?

Sal was hired by the show as a prank caller or writer and as of now, he has been promoted to a producer of the show. He is accused of being a homosexual with Richard Christy.

Brief Bio, Age

Sal Governale was born on the 24th of October 1968, in Long Island, New York City as Salvatore C. Governale. His parents are devout Muslims whose ancestry is traced to North Africa.

Source: Howard Stern

Sal is said to have converted to Catholicism during his teenage years as a result of his dislike for his birth religion.

Growing up, Sal Governale worked in his father’s kabob shop, where he often butchered lambs in the alley. He was not coordinated enough to get into sports as a teenager so he was involved more in activities like breakdancing and rapping.

Career And Rise To Fame

After High School, Sal headed to community college with the intention of studying radiology but soon dropped out and began job hunting.

After several short-lived jobs, he soon found solace in the stock market as a stockbroker, working ceaselessly in the boiler room operations (outbound call center) to sell penny stocks to widows and orphans.

Many of his co-workers were convicted of securities fraud, Sal only escaped jail term by agreeing to testify against his colleagues.

While working as a stockbroker, found pleasure in calling in on the Howard Stern Show to make phone pranks and mock the then executive producer of the show, Gary Dell’Abate. After coming second in the “Win John’s Job” contest, he was hired as a writer for the show.

Sal Governale adopted the stage name “Sal The Stockbroker” and soon become well known on the show for his prank phone calls and the many stunts he performs on the show.

Source: YouTube

Sai denies being a racist despite doing some crass racial humor on the show, as well as in stand-up appearances.

Howard has repeatedly said that the appearance of Sal and Richard on the show has made it more fun than it had been before their arrival, and fans seem to be in total agreement. 

Sal Governale’s Salary/Net Worth

The radio personality and Comedian has amassed  $400,000 as net worth and his salary is put at $80,000. His earnings come hugely from his work as a writer and comedian on The Howard Stern Show.

How much does Sal Governale make on Howard Stern?

A radio personality Sal Governale  who is also known as “the stockbroker” make $80k per year on the Howard Stern show.

Sal Governale (Sal The Stockbroker), Wife, Divorce

Sal has been married to Christine Governale since 1996 and they are parents to three boys who were born in 1999, 2001, and 2003 respectively. Christine reportedly works as an escort.

Rumors oF divorce have trailed their marriage but interestingly, the couple is still together.

Source: YouTube

Sal’s last son Aaron was in the studio sometime in 2016 for a spelling bee contest against Ronnie Mund, and while in the studio, the youngster made some shocking revelations about his dad and what life at home looks like.

The brilliant lad revealed that most of the discipline in the house is done by their mom, as all of the kids typically just laugh when their dad loses his temper.

Other Facts

There were rumors that Sal was not a real stockbroker, but a con artist who worked with a fly-by-night company that sold fake stocks to innocent people, however, there’s no official evidence to back up these claims.

Sal the stockbroker and some other popular faces in the Stern’s show like Jim Florentine, Reverend Bob Levy, Shuli, Yucko the Clown, and Richard Christy are all part of the Killers of Comedy Tour.

The group has toured around the country doing stand-up comedy, jokes, and skits. They are sometimes joined by the likes of Gary the Retard, Beetlejuice, The Iron Sheik, and Bigfoot.

Governale said summer school was a ritual for him but quickly added that it was also a brief break for him as he wouldn’t have to work sweltering days and mildly cooler evenings at his dad’s shop.

Sal Governale’s Height & Weight

Sak Governale is 5 feet 8 inches or 178 cm tall and his weight is 78 kg or 171 lbs.

Source: Twitter

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